Message Lines and Miscellaneous Charges
Message lines and charges can be added to an order at the header or detail line levels.
On the Order Header by clicking the arrow to the left of the account number. Message lines applied at the header level apply to the entire order.
- At the Order Detail level by clicking the arrow to the left of an item. Message lines applied at this level only apply to the specific line they are attached to.
These message lines can be used to enter sidemarks, warehouse comments, or miscellaneous charges applicable to the order.
If the line number is 10, the first message line will be 11. Each line can have a maximum of 9 message lines.
- Price/Cost - Enter the extended price or cost if this represents a miscellaneous billing line.
- General Ledger# - Enter a general ledger account number, if applicable.
- Cost Center - This is the cost center to use if the message lines contain prices or costs.
A character at the end of a message indicates that the message/charge is taxable (in the example above Delivery Charge has a "*" at the end) . The setting Charge Tax On Freight on the Control Panel (menu option SET 1) allows you to set the default for making all miscellaneous charges taxable or nontaxable for taxable customers and orders. If the default is set to nontaxable, adding a character such as * or = to the end of the message/charges makes that line taxable.
Z* at the beginning of a message directs the system to not show pricing information on Direct Ship POs. Click here for a complete write-up on the Z* message qualifier.
Macro Messages
Macro messages enable you to insert standardized messages when entering orders. These messages can consist of business related messages, display or sample programs, billing, and special order cancellation charges.
Click the Macro Messages button to display the Macro Messages screen.
In the example shown above, three macro messages have been added to the order. The Delivery Charge message was added earlier on the Message Lines and Miscellaneous Charges window.
Notice that some of the messages use the format I*, W*, S* etc. Using these formats tells the system to only include the messages on specific printed documents:
- W* (Warehouse messages) - Will print on all documents used in the warehouse.
- C* (Customer messages) - Will print on all customer documents.
- I* (Invoice messages) - Will print only on quotations, acknowledgements and invoices.
- S* (Supplier messages) - Will print only on purchase orders.
- O* (Order messages) - Will print on all customer documents except invoices.
- J* (Job Orders) - allows you to invoice a job order showing only the total amount for the job, and the description of the job, while eliminating all of the line item details from the invoice.
- Z* - directs the system to not show pricing information on Direct Ship POs. Click here for a complete write-up on the Z* message qualifier.
- P* - (Direct Ship Orders) - hides an order message line from displaying regardless if the message includes a price/cost. This can be helpful so suppliers will not bill for those charges if you use a freight service other than the Direct Supplier.
- S/M - Side Mark - These message types can contain requests for specific shades or dye lots, and other information pertinent to the back order fill process.